Changes to the API

Pipedrive’s API together with our Developer Platform is constantly evolving to cover additional product functionality. By introducing changes to the API, we aim to enhance your API experience by adding new features and functionality.

Do take note that from time to time, we may introduce breaking changes in order to improve the API. Read on to find out how we communicate changes and what types of changes we introduce.


All changes to the Pipedrive API are announced via our Changelog. Make sure to subscribe to stay up to date!


Occasionally, we announce new API endpoints in the Beta version with the goal of gathering customer feedback. Please note that Beta endpoints may be subject to breaking changes.

Types of changes

Changes to the Pipedrive API can be divided into breaking and non-breaking changes.

A breaking change is a backward incompatible change that may require updating your app.
A non-breaking change is typically a new addition to the API that can be implemented at your own pace and choosing.


We aim to announce breaking changes via our Changelog at least 60 days in advance to give you adequate time to adopt the changes.

Breaking changesNon-breaking changes
Removing a resourceAdding a new endpoint
Removing an endpointAdding a new optional parameter
Removing a parameterAdding a new response field
Removing a response fieldChanging the order of response fields
Modifying an endpoint’s URIChanging an error message
Modifying the name of a parameter or fieldFixing an HTTP response code
Modifying required parameters
Adding a required parameter
Changing the data type of an existing field or parameter
Reducing API limits
Restricting OAuth scopes
Introducing a new validation

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