OAuth 2.0 overview

The recommended authorization protocol for all public apps available in the Pipedrive Marketplace is the industry-standard OAuth 2.0 protocol. OAuth 2.0 allows apps granular access to users’ data and provides a secure and easy-to-use connection between the app and Pipedrive.

Using OAuth 2.0 authorization allows all requests you make to Pipedrive API to be authorized by a user. A Pipedrive user must grant access to their data for the app. As proof of this grant, every request to our API must contain a valid access_token. Every access_token is bound to:

  • The Pipedrive user who granted the access
  • The company of the user (if a user is connected to multiple accounts, then it’s dependent on the company they’re logged into when authorizing the app)
  • The 3rd party app which asked for this access
  • A set of permissions that will be allowed
  • An expiration date

To get access to the users’ data, the app must be registered in the Pipedrive Marketplace as this is where the app installation (i.e. access-granting) process starts.


See our OAuth authorization for a step-by-step guide on implementing OAuth 2.0 for your app.

Steps to take to get the access_token

  1. Get your developer sandbox account
  2. Register your app in Developer Hub to get the client_id, client_secret and subsequently, choose relevant scopes for your app
  3. Implement the OAuth 2.0 protocol by following our guide for OAuth authorization

Now you should have the access_token and refresh_token necessary for making requests to Pipedrive’s API.

How to authenticate the requests?

All requests to the API should be authenticated with the access_token by providing its value in the Authorization header:

GET https://{COMPANYDOMAIN}.pipedrive.com/api/v1/deals -H 'Authorization: Bearer v1u:AQIABHj...XNYcKcd_8LIrqRhRT9GQs4XW1MawrF_K4yg'

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