OAuth status codes
Learn about the Marketplace status codes for both OAuth and API request to indicate the success or failure of your requests.
Status Code | URL | Message | Description |
200 OK | /oauth/token | Example response: { "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN", "scope": "..scopes..,base" } | |
400 Bad Request | /oauth/token | Missing parameter: grant_type | Required parameter grant_type is not provided |
Unsupported grant type: grant_type is invalid | Provided parameter grant_type is not valid. Supported values: authorization_code , refresh_token , exchange_api_token | ||
Invalid grant: authorization_code is invalid | Provided value of authorization_code parameter is not valid or was already exchanged to ACCESS TOKEN | ||
Invalid grant: authorization_code has expired | More than 5 minutes passed after issue of provided authorization_code and it became invalid | ||
Invalid grant: refresh_token is invalid | Provided refresh_token is not valid for provided client credentials or it was already exchanged | ||
Invalid grant: api_token is invalid | Provided parameter api_token is not valid for any Pipedrive user | ||
Invalid client: cannot retrieve client credentials | Both or at least one of required parameters client_id or client_secret were not provided in the request | ||
Invalid client: client is invalid | Provided values of client_id or client_secret are not valid | ||
Invalid request: redirect_uri is not a valid URI | Required parameter redirect_uri is not provided or value is not a valid URI | ||
Invalid request: redirect_uri is invalid | Provided value of redirect_uri parameter doesn't match with value defined in Developer Hub | ||
Invalid request: content must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded | Request to OAuth should have Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded | ||
/oauth/authorize | App cannot be installed for requested company | User tried to install app that was removed from the Marketplace or not visible for last active user company in Pipedrive | |
500 | * | Internal Server Error | |
503 | /oauth/authorize | Whoops! Something broke in our servers and we cannot serve you this page. | Company database of Pipedrive user is under maintenance |
API request
Status Code | Message | Description |
200 OK | ||
201 Created | Resource created | |
204 No Content | No content (purpose can be different for different resources) | |
400 Bad Request | Invalid request: malformed authorization header | Provided value of access token in Authorization header doesn't follow format Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN |
(An explanation of what went wrong, which can be different for different resources) | Request contains invalid or missing data. Mostly relevant for POST and PUT requests. | |
401 Unauthorized | Invalid token: access_token is invalid | Provided access_token in Authorization header is not valid |
403 Forbidden | Scope and URL mismatch | Not allowed to access requested resource by application scope that is defined by owner |
404 Not found | %Resource not found | |
410 Gone | Old resource permanently unavailable | |
422 Unprocessable Entity | For example, when the webhooks limit is reached for a user or an app and it's forbidden to create a new one | |
429 Too Many Requests | Request over limit | API requests limit reached for a company |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Updated about 2 years ago
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