Subscriptions API migration guide

Migration Guide

We’ve announced these updates for API endpoints:

  • Added 4 new endpoints (supporting Installments API, learn more here)
  • Deprecated 9 endpoints (previously part of Subscription API, learn more here)

If you’re using any of the deprecated endpoints, follow this guide to safely migrate to the new Revenue Management feature.

Post your questions and comments in the Developers’ Community.

Endpoints affected by the changes

  • GET /v1/subscriptions/{id}
  • GET /v1/subscriptions/find/{dealId}
  • GET /v1/subscriptions/{id}/payments
  • POST /v1/subscriptions/recurring
  • POST /v1/subscriptions/installment
  • PUT /v1/subscriptions/recurring/{id}
  • PUT /v1/subscriptions/installment/{id}
  • PUT /v1/subscriptions/recurring/{id}/cancel
  • DELETE /v1/subscriptions/{id}

General feature changes

Moving Recurring Revenue to the Product Subscriptions feature allows users to configure, save subscriptions and payment schedules/installments as part of the add-product-to-deal workflow.

Using this solution, customers can:

  • Configure products as recurring items (for example subscriptions or licenses);
  • Include subscriptions in Products feature that are saved in the product list view and can be easily added to deals by salespeople;
  • Add multiple subscriptions to a single deal;
  • Add payment schedules/installments for project-based selling, compatible with the Products feature;
  • Have a single, consolidated location to add products and payment schedules/installments to a deal. No more split between Products and Recurring Revenue, causing disconnects and conflicting deal value calculations;
  • Use revenue forecasts to accurately predict all recurring and one-time revenue from products and payment schedules/installments. Users will also be able to track their product and subscription performance more effectively for their deals;


Note: Recurring products are available for Advanced plan and higher.

GET /v1/subscriptions/{id}

This endpoint logic will no longer be supported. Use these endpoints instead:

GET /v1/subscriptions/find/{deal_id}

Deprecated endpointNew endpoint to useDescription
GET /v1/subscriptions/find/{dealId}Deal Product:
GET /api/v2/deals/{id}/products

GET /api/v2/deals/{id}/installments
Both endpoints should be used to fetch information regarding a given deal.

Note: Use the GET /api/v2/deals/{id} endpoint to fetch information for:

- Deal MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)
- ACV (Annual Contract Value)
- ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue).

GET /v1/subscriptions/{id}/payments

This endpoint logic will no longer be supported. Payments can be calculated from the client side, by fetching installments and products added to a deal:

  • Each installment is considered a payment
  • Each recurring product’s payments will match the number of cycles set for it
  • Each one-time product will be a payment

POST /v1/subscriptions/recurring

Deprecated endpointNew endpoint to useDescription
POST /v1/subscriptions/recurringPOST /api/v2/deals/{id}/products Use the Products Catalog to add products or services you’re selling.

You can also use the Products API

Note: To add a product to a deal, you need to have a product added in the catalog to reference it in the deal.

Each product can be added to a deal as a recurring product using:

- billing_frequency different than one-time (previously cadence_type)

- billing_frequency_cycles with the number of cycles needed (previously cycles_count). This field can be set as infinite by using null value. To define when the charging for the recurring product will start, you can set:

- billing_start_date with the date of the first payment.Note: You won’t be able to add a product to a deal as a recurring product if the deal already includes installments. For additional payments, you can add products to a deal as one-time products and set up the billing_start_date

POST /v1/subscriptions/installment

Deprecated endpointNew endpoint to useDescription
POST /v1/subscriptions/installmentPOST /api/v2/deals/{id}/installments Use the new endpoint to add installments one by one instead of adding a single installment with several payments at once. Each installment added like this will represent a payment.

Note: If the deal already has recurring products, adding installments won’t be possible.

PUT /v1/subscriptions/recurring/{id}

Deprecated endpointNew endpoint to useDescription
PUT /v1/subscriptions/recurring/{id}PATCH /api/v2/deals/{id}/products/{product_attachment_id}Note: You won’t be able to change a product, added to a deal, to be recurring if the deal already includes installments.

PUT /v1/subscriptions/installment/{id}

Deprecated endpointNew endpoint to useDescription
PUT /v1/subscriptions/installment/{id}PATCH /api/v2/deals/{id}/installment/{installment_id} Note: Updating installments in bulk isn’t supported. You’ll need to update installment by installment.

Each installment represents a payment.

PUT /v1/subscriptions/recurring/{id}/cancel

This endpoint logic will no longer be supported. The concept of canceling a subscription or installment doesn’t exist in the new Revenue Management feature.

Follow this logic to simulate the concept of canceling a subscription:

  • Update the deal product subscription to have the billing end date match the subscription end date. This can be done by changing the field billing_frequency_cycle.
  • Remove the relevant installments to have the last installment date billing_date match the subscription end date.

DELETE /v1/subscriptions/{id}

Deprecated endpointNew endpoint to useDescription
DELETE /v1/subscriptions/{id}Deal Product:
DELETE /api/v2/deals/{id}/products/{attachment_id}

DELETE /api/v2/deals/{id}/installments/{installment_id}
Each entity will have its own Delete endpoint.

Both paths are required to have deal_id.

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