Webhooks v2 migration guide

Webhooks v2 is now open for use! This guide will give you an overview of the changes you need to make to switch from version 1 (v1) to version 2 (v2).


Webhooks v2 is here to eventually replace webhooks v1. Please consider migration as soon as convenient.

You can find out more about version 1 of webhooks here and version 2 here.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to post to our Dev Community.

About webhooks v2

Webhooks v2 brings added reliability and stability by reducing duplicate and missing webhook triggers and delays and giving you better debugging capabilities. In addition, you can now createlead webhooks.

Critical things to note

  1. For added reliability and stability, please use webhooks v2
  2. Webhooks v2 and v1 will continue to run in parallel for the time being
  3. As there are significant differences in webhooks v2’s payload, please closely review v2’s changes, format and examples and modify your code accordingly
  4. Should a field no longer be available in webhook v2’s payload, please query it from our API
  5. You don’t have to implement deduplication in webhooks v2 as one edit or update to the object will only trigger one change webhook in v2.
  6. The merged event action from v1 is unavailable in v2 due to a behavior change. In v2, you’ll receive two webhooks – one for the deleted object and another for the updated object.

General changes in webhooks v2

Renamed fields and objects

  • Retry is now attempt
  • Current object is now data object

Fields that have been moved

  • Attempt (previously retry) is now inside the meta object
  • Custom fields are now located in a separate custom_fields object that is inside the data (previously current) object

Structure changes

  • The old current object had a structure close to the responses you get from our API. The new data object now contains only crucial information about the entity and related/connected entities (if theirids are provided).
  • Custom fields is now initialized as an object. All custom field attributes will be located inside the custom_fields object.
  • The previous object now only contains fields whose values have changed

Changes to the meta object

Removed fields

  • timestamp_micro
  • permitted_user_ids
  • trans_pending
  • pipedrive_service_name
  • matches_filters
  • send_activity_notifications
  • activity_notifications_language
  • change_source

Updated field values

  • action field values that have been changed:
    • added is now create
    • updated and merged have been combined and are now change
    • deleted is now delete

Updated field names

  • v is now version
  • is_bulk_update is now is_bulk_edit
  • object is now entity
  • retry (which was not in the meta object previously) is now attempt
    • attempt values can be 1 - 4 (previously in v1, retry values were 0 - 3)

New fields in V2

  • correlation_id
  • entity_id
  • type
  • webhook_owner_id

Webhooks v2 format

Keep in mind that

  • There are significant differences in webhooks v2’s payload so please closely review it
  • Should a field no longer be available in webhook v2’s payload, please query it from our API
  • You no longer have to implement deduplication in webhooks v2 as one edit or update to the object will only trigger one change webhook in v2
    "meta": {
        "action": "create",
        "entity": "deal",
        "company_id": "xxxxx",
        "correlation_id": "xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "entity_id": "xxx",
        "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "is_bulk_edit": false,
        "timestamp": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "type": "general",
        "user_id": "xxxxx",
        "version": "2.0",
        "webhook_id": "xxx",
      	"webhook_owner_id": "xxxxxx",
        "attempt": 1,
        "host": "company.pipedrive.com"
    "data": ( the object data as of this update ),
    "previous": ( the previous data of the object fields that have been changed )
    "v": 1,
    "matches_filters": {
      "current": [],
      "previous": []
    "meta": {
      "v": 1,
      "action": "added",
      "object": "deal",
      "change_source": "app",
      "id": xxx,
      "company_id": xxxxx,
      "user_id": xxxxx,
      "host": "company.pipedrive.com",
      "timestamp": 1523440213,
      "timestamp_micro": 1523440213384700,
      "permitted_user_ids": [],
      "trans_pending": false,
      "is_bulk_update": false,
      "pipedrive_service_name": false,
      "matches_filters": {
        "current": [],
        "previous": []
      "webhook_id": xxx
    "retry": 0,
    "current": (the object data as of this update),
    "previous": (the object data prior to this update),
    "event": "event name"

Custom fields format in webhooks v2

All custom fields are located inside the custom_fields object. Here are the examples of custom fields types and their payloads:


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "type": "varchar",  
    "value": "This is a custom text field."  

Long text

"custom_field_hash": {  
    "type": "text",  
    "value": "This is a custom text field with details about a particular Pipedrive entity."  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "type": "varchar_auto",  
    "value": "Hello there"  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "type": "double",  
    "value": 123  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "currency": "EUR",  
    "type": "monetary",  
    "value": 200  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "id": 17818,  
    "type": "people"  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "id": 1,  
    "type": "org"  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "id": 13075973,  
    "type": "user"  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "type": "phone",  
    "value": "1234-5678"  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "timezone_id": 310,  
    "type": "time",  
    "value": "00:45:00"  

Time range

"custom_field_hash": {  
    "timezone_id": 310,  
    "from": "00:00:00",  
    "until": "01:15:00",  
    "type": "timerange"  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "type": "date",  
    "value": "2023-06-27"  

Date range

"custom_field_hash": {  
    "from": "2023-06-06",  
    "until": "2023-06-14",  
    "type": "daterange"  


"custom_field_hash": {  
    "country": "Estonia",  
    "formatted_address": "Mustamäe tee 3a, 10616 Tallinn, Estonia",  
    "locality": "Tallinn",  
    "sublocality": "Kristiine",  
    "type": "address",  
    "subpremise": "",  
    "route": "Mustamäe tee",  
    "street_number": "3a",  
    "admin_area_level_1": "Harju maakond",  
    "admin_area_level_2": "",  
    "postal_code": "10616",  
    "value": "Mustamäe tee 3a, Tallinn, Estonia"  

Single option

"custom_field_hash": {  
    "id": 17,  
    "type": "enum"  

Multiple options

"custom_field_hash": {  
    "values": [  
        { "id": 13 },  
        { "id": 14 }  
    "type": "set"  

For single option and multiple options custom fields, only the id is included. To get the values, please

Webhooks v2 examples


    "data": {
        "active_flag": true,
        "add_time": "2022-11-24T15:25:44Z",
        "busy_flag": null,
        "custom_fields": {},
        "deal_id": 10,
        "done": false,
        "due_date": "2022-11-24",
        "due_time": null,
        "duration": null,
        "id": 2,
        "lead_id": null,
        "location": null,
        "org_id": null,
        "owner_id": 12415231,
        "person_id": 10,
        "public_description": "",
        "subject": "Call with friends",
        "type": "meeting",
        "update_time": "2022-11-24T15:25:44Z",
        "update_user_id": null
    "previous": null,
    "meta": {
        "action": "create",
        "company_id": "8087566",
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        "id": "bbba59e9-1d1f-4794-9472-72540d421386",
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        "timestamp": "2022-11-24T15:25:44.461Z",
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        "user_id": "12415231",
        "version": "2.0",
        "webhook_id": "4710827",
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        "attempt": 1,
        "host": "pd-us.pipedrive.com"
    "data": {
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        "add_time": "2022-11-24T15:25:44Z",
        "busy_flag": null,
        "custom_fields": {},
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        "done": false,
        "due_date": "2022-11-24",
        "due_time": {
            "timezone_id": null,
            "value": ""
        "duration": {
            "timezone_id": null,
            "value": ""
        "id": 2,
        "lead_id": null,
        "location": null,
        "org_id": null,
        "owner_id": 12415231,
        "person_id": 10,
        "public_description": "",
        "subject": "Call with friends and family",
        "type": "meeting",
        "update_time": "2022-11-24T15:28:13Z",
        "update_user_id": null
    "previous": {
        "subject": "Call with friends",
        "update_time": "2022-11-24T15:26:57Z"
    "meta": {
        "action": "change",
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        "is_bulk_edit": false,
        "timestamp": "2022-11-24T15:28:13.375Z",
        "type": "general",
        "user_id": "12415231",
        "version": "2.0",
        "webhook_id": "4710827",
        "webhook_owner_id": "12094821",
        "attempt": 1,
        "host": "pd-us.pipedrive.com"
    "data": null,
    "previous": {
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        "add_time": "2022-11-24T15:25:44Z",
        "busy_flag": null,
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        "done": false,
        "due_date": "2022-11-24",
        "due_time": {
            "timezone_id": null,
            "value": ""
        "duration": {
            "timezone_id": null,
            "value": ""
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        "lead_id": null,
        "location": null,
        "org_id": null,
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        "person_id": 10,
        "public_description": "",
        "subject": "Call with friends",
        "type": "meeting",
        "update_time": "2022-11-24T15:28:13Z"
    "meta": {
        "action": "delete",
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        "host": "pd-us.pipedrive.com"


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        "stage_change_time": null,
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        "status": "open",
        "title": "Sample Org deal",
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        "value": 100,
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    "meta": {
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        "timestamp": "2022-11-24T13:18:56.089Z",
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                "admin_area_level_1": "Harju County",
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