
Pipedrive offers pagination for most of our API’s list and item collection endpoints.

Cursor pagination

As the name suggests, cursor-based pagination uses cursors to page through the endpoint’s results. Performance-wise, it is the most efficient and stable pagination method for traversing through large amounts of entities. Inside the Pipedrive API, we support cursor-based pagination for the following endpoints:

Cursor-based endpoints accept the cursor and limit query parameters. A cursor is a marker indicating the next page’s first item. By specifying the limit, you can control the number of entities returned per page. The maximum limit value is 500.

cursor (string)A marker (an opaque string value) representing the first item on the next page
limit (integer)For pagination, the limit of entries to be returned. If not provided, 100 items will be returned.

Example request for the GET /v1/activities/collection endpoint:


Within the response’s additional_data object, the next_cursor field will be returned, indicating the first item on the next page. The value of the next_cursor field will be null if you have reached the end of the dataset and there are no more pages to be returned.

Example response:

{ "success": true, "data": [ { // returned activities’ data } ], "additional_data": { "next_cursor": "eyJhY3Rpdml0aWVzIjoyN30" } }

Offset pagination

With the rest of our GET endpoints, we offer offset-based pagination. The parameters that control this type of pagination are start and limit, indicating the desired offset and the number of items to be returned per page.

start (integer)Pagination start.
If omitted, the default value is 0.
limit (integer)The number of items shown per page. If not provided, 100 items will be returned.

Example request for the GET /v1/activities endpoint:


Within the response’s additional_data object, a pagination object will be returned. The additional_data.pagination object will contain the given start and limit values, as well as the more_items_in_collection flag, indicating whether more items can be fetched after the current batch.

If more items can be fetched, the next_start field, which can be used for specifying the next offset pointer, will also be returned.

The maximum limit value is 500.

Example response:

{ "success": true, "data": [ { // returned activities’ data } ], "additional_data": { "pagination": { "start": 0, "limit": 10, "more_items_in_collection": true, "next_start": 10 } } }

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