New Search API migration guide

Published April 8, 2020

We have announced 6 new endpoints and the removal of 6 old endpoints with Search capability, read more about it here.

If you are using any of the deprecated endpoints from the announced list, in this guide you'll get some pointers on how to painlessly migrate to new search endpoints.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to post to our Dev Community.


These are the endpoints affected by the changes:

  • GET /deals/find
  • GET /persons/find
  • GET /organizations/find
  • GET /products/find
  • GET /searchResults
  • GET /searchResults/field

When adding values to the paths, we accept the following values:

  • All boolean arguments accept both 1 or 0 and true or false.
  • All arguments are accepted in snake_case and camelCase.

Multiple endpoint query migration

If you are using several of these endpoints at once, you can now merge them into a single call, for example:

Previous pathNew path

GET /deals/find migration

Previous pathNew path



If you want to include a previously existing cc_email field for each result, include the parameter include_fields=deal.cc_email.

GET /persons/find migration

Previous pathNew path





If you want to include a previously existing picture field for each result, include the parameter include_fields=person.picture.

GET /organizations/find migration

Previous pathNew path

GET /products/find migration

Previous pathNew path

If you want to include the price of the product in the result, include the parameter include_fields=product.price, which will include all the product prices with their respective currencies.

GET /searchResults migration

Previous pathNew path

Please consider if your use-case needs searching for related items functionality (see the endpoint description for details). Omit it if not. The endpoint will be twice as fast without it.

Previous pathNew path



GET /searchResults/field migration

The GET /searchResults/field endpoint parameters and format are 1:1 the same as GET /itemSearch/field and no changes are required.

Both GET /searchResults/field and GET /itemSearch/field will be supported indefinitely, but GET /searchResults/field will be unlisted from the public API and the usage of GET /itemSearch/field is strongly encouraged from now on for consistent naming with the GET /itemSearch endpoint in the public API.

We still recommend renaming usages of GET /searchResults/field to GET /itemSearch/field to make it easier to look up API documentation in the future when GET /searchResults/field has been unlisted.

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